Connecting Our Communities

Clinton Keith Extension

Clinton Keith Extension Project

Project Overview

In the mid 1990’s, the County of Riverside with the cooperation of the City of Murrieta initiated a project to extend Clinton Keith Road from I-215 to State route 79.  The purpose of the project was to address the need for another east-west corridor to accommodate the increase in traffic demand.  The County’s General Plan shows Clinton Keith Road as an urban arterial road.  The project has been constructed in phases over the last several years as funding became available. 

The first segment of Clinton Keith Road between Trois Valley Street and Leon Road was completed as part of a development project in the unincorporated County.  Phase 1 of the capital project consisted of widening the section from I-215 to Whitewood Road to 6 lanes.  Phase 1 was completed in 2011 as part of the City of Murrieta improvement project in the area.  The segment between Whitewood Road and Trois Valley Street was completed in the Fall of 2018. This is referred to as Phase 2 of the project and includes the construction of four lanes, median, 2 bridge structures, traffic signals at Menifee Road and at Trois Valley Street.  Phase 4 of the project was also completed in the Fall of 2018 and constructed the final 2 lanes, median and sidewalk to provide a full 6 lanes from Whitewood Road to Leon Road.    The completion of Phases 2 & 4 allowed traffic to have access from I-215 to SR 79 via Leon Road and Max Gillis Boulevard along Clinton Keith Road. 

The final phase (Phase 3) of the project will include the extension of Clinton Keith Road from Leon Road to SR-79, connecting at the existing intersection of SR-79 and Benton Road.  Ultimately, Clinton Keith Road will provide 6 lanes from I-215 to SR 79.  Construction is underway and will be completed Late Summer 2023.

Completed Phases

phase 1

  • Phase 1 of the Clinton Keith Road Extension project widened Clinton Keith Road between Interstate 215 and Whitewood Road to a full 6 lane width, including a raised median. This phase was completed in 2011.

Phase 2

  • Phase 2 extended Clinton Keith Road from Whitewood Road to Leon Road with a 4 lane cross-section including a wide center median. Construction started in the Spring of 2016 and was completed in the Fall of 2018.

Phase 4

  • Similar to Phase 2, the limits for Phase 4 are from Whitewood Road to Leon Road to complete the ultimate 6 lane cross section with a raised median. Phase 4 was constructed at the same time as Phase 2 which allowed construction to proceed quickly, with no traffic control issues. Construction started in the Spring of 2018 and was completed in the Fall of 2018.

Project Schedule (Phase 3)

  • Environmental Clearance Phase: May 2019 (Complete)

  • Final Design: September 2021 (Complete)     

  • Complete Right of way: November 2022 (Complete)

  • Construction Start: February 2022 (Complete)

  • Construction Completion:  December 2023 (Complete)

Current Phase

Phase 3

  • The final phase of the Clinton Keith Road Extension project is the segment from Leon Road to SR-79/Winchester Road at Benton Road. The improvements will include construction of two large drainage structures and two water quality detention basins for stormwater management. Construction is underway and will be completed Late Fall 2023.

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☎  Project CONTACT

John Ashlock
(951) 955-1511

Project Documents

Project overview presentation (pdf)

Environmental Documents

Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 398

volume 1

Volume 2

Addendum to Supplemental Environmental Impact Report


Project Photos