Idyllwild Resurfacing Phases

Saunders Meadow Resurfacing
Limits: Begin of work starts at the intersection of Saunders Meadow Rd and Clubhouse Dr to SH-243.
Length: Approximately 0.5 miles
District: 4 Community: Idyllwild \
The County of Riverside Transportation Department proposes to reconstruct approximately 0.5 mile of road. Saunders Meadow Rd is a local collector road that travels in the North-South direction between the project boundaries, Clubhouse Dr and SH-243. Saunders Meadow Rd is currently a two-lane facility with a road width of 24-26 feet. The project proposes reconstruct the road.
The proposed project will also include:
• Adjusting Water Valves
• Adjusting Manholes
• Reconstructing AC Dike
• Constructing 6” AC Dike
• Re-Application of Pavement Striping
• Removing and Installing Various Signs
No additional Right of Way nor Temporary Construction Easements will be required to construct the proposed improvement.

North Circle Dr Resurfacing
Limits: Village Center Dr to Pine Crest Ave
Length: Approximately 0.7 miles
District: 4
Community: Idyllwild
The County of Riverside Transportation Department is proposing to resurface approximately 0.7 miles of N Circle Drive from Village Center Drive to Pine Crest Avenue. N Circle Drive is classified as a Local Collector Street in the County of Riverside’s General Plan. N Circle Drive is currently 36 feet wide. The project proposes to resurface the roadway.
The proposed project will also include
• Reconstruction of AC dike
• Adjusting Manholes
• Adjusting Water Valves
• Placement of safety edge and shoulder backing
• Striping of roadway, including pavement markers and reflectors
• Salvage/removal and installation of new signs
No additional right-of-way will be required to construct the proposed improvements. The project improvements will be within the existing footprint of the roadway.

South Circle Drive Resurfacing
Limits: Begin of work starts at the intersection of S Circle Dr and Pine Crest Ave to SH-243
Length: Approximately 1.8 miles
District: 4 Community: Idyllwild
The County of Riverside Transportation Department is proposing to resurface approximately 1.8 miles of S Circle Dr From Pine Crest Ave to SH-243. S Circle Dr is classified as a Local Collector in the County of Riverside’s General Plan. S Circle Dr is currently 27 feet wide. The project proposes to resurface the road, as well as reconstruct a section in order to reprofile and improve existing drainage.
The proposed project will also include:
Adjusting Manholes
· Adjusting Water Valves
· Constructing 6” AC Dike
· Striping of roadway
· Salvage/removal and installation of new signs
· Reconstruction of AC dike
No additional right-of-way will be required to construct the proposed improvements. The project improvements will be within the existing footprint of the roadway.

Idyllwild Maintenance Yard Reconstruction
Limits: Begin of work starts at the intersection of Johnson Rd and Maranatha Dr to the Idyllwild Maintenance Yard
Length: Approximately 0.10 miles
District: 4
Community: Idyllwild
The County of Riverside Transportation Department is proposing to reconstruct approximately 0.10 miles of the Idyllwild Maintenance Yard including Johnson Rd. Johnson Rd is classified as a Local Collector in the County of Riverside’s General Plan. Johnson Rd is currently 25 feet wide, and the maintenance yards dimensions vary per plans. The project proposes to reconstruct the maintenance yard, as well as Johnson Rd, and improve existing drainage by grading to drain.
The proposed project will also include:
· Reconstruct AC V-ditch
No additional right-of-way will be required to construct the proposed improvements. The project improvements will be within the existing footprint of the roadway.

Fern Valley Road Resurfacing
Limits: Fern Valley Road Resurfacing
Length: Approximately 1.7 miles
District: 4 Community: Idyllwild
The Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD) proposes to resurface approximately 1.7 mile of road. Fern Valley Rd is a local collector road that travels in the North-South direction between the project boundaries, S Circle Dr and Humber Park. Fern Valley Rd is currently a two-lane facility with a road width of 26 feet. The project proposes to resurface the road, along with the construction of a retaining wall approximately 800’ before the end of the project limits near Humber Park. The section of road adjacent to the retaining wall will be reconstructed.
The proposed project will also include:
• Adjusting Water Valves
• Adjusting Guardrail height
• Reconstructing AC V-Ditch
• Reconstructing AC Dike
• Constructing 6” AC Dike
• Placement of Shoulder Edge
• Re-Application of Pavement Striping
• Removing and Installing Various Signs
No additional Right of Way nor Temporary Construction Easements will be required to construct the proposed improvement.