Project Overview
The County of Riverside (County), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the City of Indio, proposes to reconstruct and widen the Jackson Street interchange on the I-10 freeway to improve traffic flow.
Improvements would include reconstructing the freeway on and off ramps at the I-10/Jackson Street Interchange, replacing the 264 foot long Jackson Street overcrossing with a wider structure to accommodate additional through lanes, turn lanes, and CV Link, a multimodal active transportation pathway which accommodates pedestrians, bicyclists, and low-speed electric vehicles (LSEVs)—including golf carts. The 553 foot long bridge over the Whitewater River (Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel) will also be reconstructed to accommodate additional traffic and the CV Link path. The project will reduce traffic congestion, while improving mobility, traffic operations, and safety on Jackson Street in the vicinity of the I-10 freeway.
Two interchange design alternatives are being considered for the project:
Alternative 2
a compact diamond which retains the existing interchange layout but introduces improvements to traffic flow by constructing additional traffic lanes and improving existing geometry.
Alternative 4
a diverging diamond interchange which provides efficiencies by creating free-flow left and right turning movements, and streamlines traffic signal operations.
☎ Project CONTACT
Azan Junaid
(951) 955-6781
Project Schedule
Environmental Clearance Phase: September 2021 (Complete)
Final Design: February 2026
Right of Way Completion: December 2026
Construction Start: January 2028
Construction Completion: April 2030
Estimated project Cost: $121 Million
Project Documents
Jackson St Interchange Draft Environmental Document – for public review (split into 5 pdf files due to size)
-Table of Contents & Chapter 1
-Chapter 2, Section 2.1
-Chapter 2, Section 2.2
-Chapter 2, Section 2.3-2.4
-Chapter 3-6 & Appendices