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Lakepointe Dr Reconstruction D2-0049

Lakepointe Dr Resurfacing


Project Overview

The County of Riverside Transportation Department is proposing to resurface approximately 0.8 miles of Lakepointe Dr from Indiana Ave (City Limits) to S Sun Summit Dr. Lakepointe Dr. is classified as a collector road with two lanes in each directions in the County of Riverside's General Plan. Lakepointe Dr. is currently between 60 feet and 40 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter on both sides. The proposed project will include removing the existing asphalt pavement section and replacing with new Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Portions of the roadway will include excavating the existing asphalt pavement section and underlying material and replacing with new base material and HMA.

Additional improvements include: 

  • Installation of subsurface drain system for a portion of the roadway to alleviate possible ground water from adjacent landscape irrigation

  • Replace the roadway signs

  • Re-striping of roadway.

No additional right-of-way will be required to construct the proposed improvements. The project improvements will remain within the existing footprint of the roadway.

Limits: Indiana Ave (City of Riverside Limits) to N Sun Summit Dr
Length: Approximately 4,310 feet, 0.8 Mile
District: 1
Community: Lake Hills

Project News

Project Schedule

Environmental Clearance: September 2023
Final Design: September 2023
Construction Start: April 2024
Construction Completion: June 2024


Mike Heath
(951) 955-2366