Project Overview
The County of Riverside (County), in cooperation with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), proposes to replace the following two existing scour critical and structurally deficient timber bridges along Railroad Avenue near Whitewater in Riverside County, California:
· Railroad Avenue Bridge over Fornat Wash (Br. No. 56C0099)
· Railroad Avenue Bridge over East Channel Stubbe Wash (Br. No. 56C0101)
The proposed project will replace the existing two 2-lane timber bridges along Railroad Avenue with new 2-lane modern bridges with a curb-to-curb roadway width of 32 feet at the same locations. The proposed road width will consist of two 12-foot-wide travel lanes, one lane in each direction, and a 4-foot-wide shoulder on each side. Modern traffic barriers/railings meeting current CALTRANS safety design standards would be constructed. The proposed bridges would be approximately 60 feet long. Additionally, approach roadway improvements would be provided and channel improvements would be administered to avoid future scour problems. The channel bottom will remain earthen.
Additional Project Details
Estimated Construction Project Cost: $4,121,000
Cooperating Agencies:
Project Documents
Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent (English)
Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent (Spanish)
☎ Project CONTACT
Umer Ahmed
(951) 955-1637
Project Schedule
Environmental Clearance Phase: Completed
Final Design: October 2025
Right of Way: September 2025
Construction Start: December 2027
Construction Completion: TBD
Upcoming Events
CEQA Environmental Document Circulation: June 28, 2023 until July 27, 2023
Virtual Public Meeting
Railroad Ave Bridge Replacement Presentation (English)
Railroad Ave Bridge Replacement Presentation Recording (English)
Railroad Ave Bridge Replacement Presentation (Spanish)
The public meeting was held virtually via Zoom on July 12, 2023.
This virtual public meeting provided an overview of the Railroad Ave Bridge Replacement Draft IS/MND. This meeting also provided an opportunity for project stakeholders and members of the public to provide comments on the Draft IS/MND. Public comments provided during the meeting will be documented and addressed in the Final IS/MND.