to provide
for the
The County of Riverside Transportation Department (COUNTY) is requesting technical proposals from qualified consulting professionals (CONSULTANT) to provide On-call Environmental Consulting Services for transportation related projects and/or operations throughout Riverside County. The COUNTY is seeking to award On-call Environmental Consultant contract(s) to “full service” firms and specialized firms that can provide as many of the services listed in the Scope of Services as possible. Proposals covering a single area of expertise will ONLY be accepted for Biological, Cultural and NPDES services.
The selected firms will assist the COUNTY with overall environmental compliance of projects including but not limited to: preparation of environmental studies and documents to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
Some work will require coordination with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and may include compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements. All work will be prepared in accordance with COUNTY and/or Caltrans practices, regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, and standards, as appropriate.
Consultants wishing to submit Proposals in response to this RFP can download the RFP document and supporting material below. Proposals submitted by Consultants will serve as the basis for developing a short list of firms that will be invited to provide oral presentations and be interviewed.
On-call Environmental Consulting Services RFP (PDF)
The closing date for submission of proposals in response to this request is 1/28/2021 at 2:00 PM.
Supporting documents related to the above RFP are provided below:
· Draft On-call Services Contract (PDF)
· Attachment A- Scope of Services (PDF)
· Attachment B- Schedule of Services (PDF)
· Attachment C- Compensation Plan (PDF)
· Attachment D- Billing Rates (Microsoft Excel Template)
· Consultant Evaluation Rating Form to be used by the Evaluation Committee (PDF)