Chip seal is a cost-effective preventative maintenance treatment used to increase the longevity of a roadway surface. The chip seal process may be used in place of a full road replacement or rehabilitation. Click Here for Slurry Seal Program
Project Notification Residents and businesses will receive mail or door hangers with advance notice about the upcoming chip seal project, and signage will be placed around the neighborhood.
Parking Restrictions You can expect temporary No Parking zones along streets in the project area. Please move your vehicle out of these zones.
Temporary Lane or Road Closures During the chip seal application you can expect temporary, 8 to 10-hour lane or road closures. Closures are necessary for crews to complete the work safely and efficiently.
Noise and Dust Expect moderate construction noise in the area such as engines running, back-up alarms, and crews working, especially in the morning. Chip seal work may generate dust and debris; closing windows and doors will minimize dust entering buildings.
Traffic Delays Expect minor delays as traffic may be reduced to one lane or detoured. Traffic control, including flaggers or temporary signals, will assist motorists through the work zone. Please reduce speed, pay special attention to temporary construction signage, and travel with caution.
Temporary Inconveniences Access to your driveway or street may be temporarily limited during the chip seal process.
Changes to the Road Surface After the chip seal process, there may be loose gravel on the road for a week or more. This is normal and will be addressed with street sweeping. Please drive slowly to avoid damage to your vehicle and to reduce the risk of kicking up gravel.
Long-Term Benefits After the chip seal project is complete, you can expect a more durable road surface with improved traction, fewer potholes, and extended pavement life.
Chip Seal
Protecting our Streets
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El Sello Chip;
Protegiendo Nuestras Carreteras
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