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Project News

Slurry Seal FY 24-25, Dist. 1,2,3

Slurry Seal FY 24-25, Dist. 1,2,3

We continue the roadway pavement preservation (Slurry Seal Application) project in Supervisorial District 1, 2, and 3 of the County of Riverside. Crews were not able to finish all work schedule last week due to the extreme heat last week and the heat wave coming this week. Crews will continue repairing damaged and large cracks on the asphalt pavement and crack sealing in Murrieta Areas and Hemet areas, type 1 slurry seal in the Morgan Hill Area to finish all leftover from last week. Crews are scheduled to begin to remove and replace ADA ramp accessibility on Wednesday 9/11/2024. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through the work zone. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Grayslurryseal