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Posts tagged Gilman Springs
REMINDER: Gilman Springs Road will be CLOSED beginning Saturday, Jan. 4, at 8PM

REMINDER: Gilman Springs Road will be CLOSED to through traffic SOUTH of Bridge St.   

beginning Saturday, Jan. 4, at 8 p.m., weather permitting  



·        Gilman Springs Road will be closed to through traffic SOUTH of Bridge St. for approximately 1 mile. Business and resident access is open.   

·        Gilman Springs Road is open to traffic from Bridge St. to SR 60.  

·        Motorists may detour onto Ramona Expressway to Bridge St. to access Gilman Springs Road north of Bridge St.   

·        Please plan for delays and use alternate routes.   


Work schedules may change due to weather or field conditions.  

Crews may work 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.  


RECORDATORIO: Gilman Springs Road estará CERRADA al tráfico al SUR de Bridge St. a partir del sábado 4 de enero a las 8 p.m., si el clima lo permite   




·        Gilman Springs Road estará cerrada al tráfico al SUR de Bridge St. durante aproximadamente 1 milla. El acceso para empresas y residentes está abierto. 


·        Gilman Springs Road está abierta al tráfico desde Bridge St. hasta SR 60.   


·        Los automovilistas pueden desviarse hacia Ramona Expressway hacia Bridge St. para acceder a Gilman Springs Road al norte de Bridge St.    


·        Planifique los retrasos y utilice rutas alternativas.    


Los horarios de trabajo pueden cambiar debido al clima o las condiciones del campo. Las cuadrillas pueden trabajar las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.  


Hotline: 877.277.5343   

Linea Directa: 877.277.5343   



Sitio web:   

Gilman Springs Road is OPEN to through traffic in both directions. 

Gilman Springs Road Project Update  


Gilman Springs Road is OPEN to through traffic in both directions. 

No work is planned on the week of November 25.  

Crews will be working on the shoulders and off the roadway during December, please travel with caution in the work area.  


Hotline: 877.277.5343 







Gilman Springs Road está ABIERTA al tráfico en ambas direcciones.  


No está previsto ningún trabajo en la semana del 25 de noviembre.   

Las cuadrillas trabajarán en los arcenes y fuera de la carretera durante diciembre; viaje con precaución en el área de trabajo. 


Línea directa: 877.277.5343 

Sitio web: 

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SCE will be replacing several transmission poles along Gilman Springs Road that were damaged in the recent fire starting tomorrow, June 18, 2023. All work is anticipated to be completed by Friday evening, July 21st. Traffic delays are expected for both directions while traveling through the area so please plan accordingly. Please obey all traffic laws and watch for workers while traveling the roadway.

Micro-Surfacing Schedule for Gilman Springs Rd

Micro-Surfacing Schedule for Gilman Springs Rd Slurry Seal Project in District 4 & 5. See map for dates and locations.

News Release: Median traffic dividers to be installed on Gilman Springs Road

July 2, 2019

Median traffic dividers to be installed on Gilman Springs Road


Riverside County work crews are installing median traffic delineators for several miles on Gilman Springs Road as officials continue to improve safety on the busy two-lane traffic artery.

It is the first time the devices have been used to this degree on a county-maintained roadway. The devices are single plastic reflective posts that will be placed every 50 feet along most of the corridor, and 25 feet apart along tight curves. This spacing should provide sufficient sight distance and will be highly visible and discourage drivers from passing, which is not allowed on Gilman Springs Road.

“We are always looking for ways to improve the safety on all of our roadways, and this project is part of that process,” said Patricia Romo, director of the Riverside County Transportation Department. “This is an innovative way to improve safety and it can be completed in a relatively short period of time.”

The barrier work, which costs about $150,000 for materials, is expected to be finished before the end of July, when an ongoing $5 million resurfacing project is also set to be completed. Crews are also installing a traffic light at the intersection of Gilman Springs Road and Bridge Street.

“Traffic safety is our No. 1 priority,” Romo said. “These improvements to Gilman Springs Road will go a long way to improving safety.”

The devices will be installed along the county maintained limits of Gilman Springs Road between Kevin Street and State Route 79 – about nine miles of roadway. 

