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Project News

July 18-22 - Thousand Palms Canyon Road Resurfacing Weekly Update

In the week ending July 22, Rivcotrans completed the replacement of asphalt pavement on Thousand Palms Canyon Road from Dillon Road to Ramon Road/Washington Street in the Desert Hot Springs area. The contractor is currently working on the shoulder. Please continue to use caution and observe flaggers’ instructions while travelling through the work zone.

Mayberry Avenue Sidewalk - Weekly Update

We are continuing preparing existing ground and placing concrete to proposed driveways and sidewalk on Mayberry Avenue from Pear Tree Lane to Casino Road in the East Hemet area. Please use caution while travelling through this area.

Steven Gray
San Jacinto Avenue Resurfacing - Weekly Update

We are currently reconstruct Cross-Gutter and Curb Ramps along San Jacinto Avenue from Acacia Avenue to Thornton Avenue in Hemet area. The roadway is narrow and might be closed during construction, please use caution while travelling through the work zone. Recommend to use alternate route if possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
Thousand Palms Canyon Road Resurfacing - Weekly Update

We are continuing the asphalt paving for new surface on Thousand Palms Canyon Road. The contractor is scheduled to complete this paving operation by July 20, 2022. Please continue use caution while travelling through the work zone.

Steven Gray
Dexter Avenue and El Toro Road Sidewalk - Weekly Update

We are continuing the construction of new proposed curb & gutter and sidewalk along El Toro Road front of Temescal Canyon High School and part of Dexter Avenue. Please continue use caution while travelling through this area. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
July 18-22 Clinton Keith Rd Construction Notice Video Update

We are completing the replacement of existing asphalt pavement on MaxGilliss Blvd. The contractor is scheduled to install pavement delineations soon. Please use caution while using MaxGilliss Blvd. towards Winchester Road. Briggs Road from Leon Road to Los Alamos Road is CLOSED. Please follow detour signage.

The contractor is continuing with the construction of a bridge, culvert, and drainage for new proposed Clinton Keith Road from Leon Road to Winchester Road/Benton Road.

Hamner Ave. Project UPDATE


EXPANDED WORK HOURS: Crews will work extended hours on Tuesday, July 19 beginning at 11 p.m. through Wednesday, July 20 at 11 a.m. Crews will place concrete on the bridge deck. Expect trucks entering and exiting Hamner Avenue at Citrus Street.

TRAFFIC CONTROL: Expect lane closures with traffic flagging on Hamner Avenue in both directions from Alhambra Street to Detroit Street on Thursday, July 21 and Friday, July 22 from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please reduce your speed in the area and allow additional time for travel.

PLEASE REDUCE your SPEED in the project area and watch for trucks entering and exiting the job site.

Steven Gray
Jurupa Grade Separation Project CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 7.18.22

This week, crews will backfill the storm water pump station and will be moving dirt from the west side of the project to the east side. Please watch for trucks entering and exiting the job site at multiple locations in the project area.


Steven Gray
Mayberry Avenue Sidewalk - Weekly Update

We are currently removing existing concrete and ground Mayberry Avenue from Peartree Lane and Casino Road in the Community of East Hemet. The contractor will place concrete to new proposed driveways and Curb & Gutter upcoming week. Please use caution while travelling through.

Steven Gray
San Jacinto Avenue Resurfacing - Weekly Newsletter

We are currently reconstructing concrete cross-gutters crossing San Jacinto Avenue from Stetson Avenue to Florida Street in Hemet area. The roadway is narrow, please use caution while travelling through. Suggest to use alternate route.

Steven Gray
Thousand Palms Canyon Road Resurfacing - Weekly Newsletter

We completed the pulverizing of existing pavement and pave new asphalt (base course) on Thousand Palms Canyon Road from Dillon Road to Washington Street/Ramon Road. Contractor is paving new surface course this week and scheduled to complete on Monday, 18 July 2022. Please observe construction warning signs and follow traffic control personnel (flaggers). Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
El Toro Road and Dexter Avenue Sidewalk - Weekly Newsletter

We are currently working on the construction of Curb & Gutter along El Toro Road and east side of Dexter Avenue in the North Lake Elsinore area. Please observe “OPEN TRENCH” and use caution while travelling through this area. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Graydexter
Jurupa Grade Separation Project Construction Update 7/11/22

Crews continue to work extended hours on the sewer line installation on Felspar Street near Jurupa Road.  Construction on the  storm water pump station in the same vicinity continues to progress. Crews continue work  on the new Van Buren Boulevard bridge which includes excavation work to lower Jurupa Road. 

This week, Monday through Friday, July 11- 15, from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., the intersection of Felspar St. and Jurupa Rd. will be closed during nighttime work. Additionally, crews may need to close shopping center driveways but will keep access open by closing only one at a time. Please use Pedley Rd. and Galena St. for the detour to access Felspar St. BUSINESS ACCESS REMAINS OPEN.




Monday - Friday nights | from 8 p.m. - 7 a.m.

Intersection closure at Jurupa Rd. and Felspar St.

Please use Pedley Rd. and Galena St. for the detour to Felspar St.



Monday - Friday nights | from 8 p.m. - 7 a.m.

NB and SB Felspar St. just north of Jurupa Rd. 

Drive with caution in the area. 


Crews may need to close shopping center driveways but will keep access open by closing only one at a time. 



Steven Gray
Clinton Keith Rd Video Update Construction Notice July 11-15

Los Alamos Road from Menifee Road to Briggs Road/Leon Road is CLOSED to through traffic. Please follow detour signs. We are currently working on proposed Brigg Road Realignment to provide access from Los Alamos Road to Winchester Road via Porth Road. Contractor is scheduled to replace asphalt pavement (grind and pave) at Max Gilliss Blvd. & Winchester Road on July 14, 2022. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Slurry Seal FY 21-22 Dist. 1 - Weekly Newsletter

The Slurry Seal application to various streets in District 1 of Riverside County is now completed. The contractor is performing minor repairs to damaged areas, scheduling to complete concrete curb ramps and paint traffic stripe as soon as possible.

Steven Grayslurryseal