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Project News

Construction Update: Week of March 3, 2025 - Gilman Springs Road

Construction Update: Week of March 3, 2025

Crews continue working in the shoulder along Gilman Springs Road from south of Alessandro Boulevard to south of Bridge Street.


Gilman Springs Road is fully open to traffic however, motorists can expect brief, intermittent lane closures for equipment crossing on the roadway during the workweek.

The Gilman Springs Road Shoulder Widening and Median Project is expected to be completed in late March. Please drive with caution through the construction zone.


Actualización de construcción: semana del 3 de marzo de 2025

Los equipos continúan trabajando en el arcén a lo largo de Gilman Springs Road desde el sur de Alessandro Boulevard hasta el sur de Bridge Street.


Gilman Springs Road está completamente abierta al tráfico; sin embargo, los automovilistas pueden esperar cierres breves e intermitentes de carriles para equipos que crucen la carretera durante la semana laboral.

Se espera que el proyecto de ampliación del arcén y mediana de Gilman Springs Road esté terminado a finales de marzo. Conduzca con precaución por la zona de construcción.

Hotline: 877.277.5343


Línea directa: 877.277.5343

Sitio web:


Construction Alert - Jurupa Grade Separation - Project Update

Jurupa Grade Separation - Project Update

Construction Update: Single Lane closures will remain in effect on Felspar Street at Jurupa Road through March as crews continue installing underground utilities.

Please drive with caution as crews will be closing a lane in one direction at a time and shift traffic. One lane of traffic will remain open in both directions.


Single lane closures on Felspar Street

Monday – Friday

6 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please drive with caution and reduce speed through the construction zone.


Actualización de la construcción: Los cierres de carriles únicos permanecerán vigentes en Felspar Street y Jurupa Road hasta marzo mientras las cuadrillas continúan instalando servicios subterráneos.

Conduzca con precaución ya que las cuadrillas cerrarán un carril en una dirección a la vez y cambiarán el tráfico. Se mantendrá abierto un carril de circulación en ambos sentidos.


Cierres de carril único en Felspar Street

Lunes – Viernes

6 a.m. a 4 p.m.

Conduzca con precaución y reduzca la velocidad en la zona de construcción.


Hotline: 800.679.9570

Linea Directa: 800.679.9570

For more information visit

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#JurupaValley #JurupaTraffic #SupportLocalJurupaValley

Steven GrayJurupaGrade
Good Hope Area - Project Status

Good Hope Area - Project Status

We are constructing sidewalks and repairing roads in Good Hope Community area. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
Indiana Ave, Harlow Ave & Grant St. - Klyne St - Project Status

Indiana Ave, Harlow Ave & Grant St. - Klyne St - Project Status

We completed pavement reconstruction and concrete improvements on Grant Street, Harlow Avenue, and Indiana Avenue in the Home Gardens area. Crews continue work on asphalt dikes, driveways, and other improvements on Indiana Avenue from Grant Street to Hillview Drive. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and follow traffic control staff’s directions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Klyne Street from Bedford Canyon Road to Bobbitt Avenue in Corona/El Cerrito area: Shall be closed to through traffic from 2/24/25 to 2/28/25. Residents access only. We completed removed driveways and also completed pulverized and graded Klyne St. Crews will reconstruct driveways, pave the street, and install dikes upcoming week. Klyne St will be finished by next week. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and please watch downhill speed as the street has not yet pave. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Steven Gray
Nuevo Area Resurfacing Group - Project Status

Crews are continuing road improvements in the Nuevo Community. Throughout the week of 02/24/2025, and crews will continue paving operations within the project limits below:

-12th St from Reservoir Ave to North Dr

-Apricot Ave from Lakeview Ave to North Dr

-13th St from Reservoir Ave to North Dr

-Stalder Ave from Ramona Ave to Lakeview Ave

-North Dr from Nuevo Rd to Lakeview Ave

Access to residential properties will be maintained at all times. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and follow traffic control staff’s directions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
Oleander Avenue Sidewalk - Project Status

We completed the road widening and the new sidewalk project on Oleander Avenue from Haines Street to Clark Street in the Community of Mead Valley. Crews are now working on additional improvements. Anticipated 100% completion on 2/28/2025. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and follow traffic control staff directions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven GrayOleander 2025
Good Hope Area - Project Status

We are constructing sidewalks and repairing roads in the Good Hope Community area. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Gray
Ramon Road - Project Status

Ramon Road - Project Status

We are continuing with the repair of asphalt pavement damage due to soil erosion on Ramon Road on both sides of the Railroad Overcrossing between Varner Road and Bob Hope Drive. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Traffic impact: Westbound Ramon Road from Varner Road to Bob Hope Drive CLOSED until early March 2025. Eastbound traffic is now shifted to the other side (westbound side) of Ramon Road.

Steven Grayramon rd
Oleander Avenue Sidewalk - Weekly Status

Oleander Avenue Sidewalk - Weekly Status

We completed the road widening and new proposed sidewalk project on Oleander Avenue from Haines Street to Clark Street in the Community of Mead Valley. Crews are working on pavement delineations and roadside signage; weather permitting. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and follow traffic control staff’s directions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven GrayOleander 2025
Carver Tract Sidewalk Project Construction Notice, February 18-21, 2025

Carver Tract Sidewalk Project Construction Notice, February 18-21, 2025

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Yvette Munozcarvertract
Ramon Road - Weekly Status

Ramon Road - Weekly Status

We are continuing with the repair of asphalt pavement damages due to soil erosion on Ramon Road both sides of Railroad Overcrossing between Varner Road and Bob Hope Drive. Estimate completion date is 3 March 2025. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Traffic impact: Westbound Ramon Road from Varner Road to Bob Hope Drive CLOSED for approximately 4 weeks. Eastbound traffic shall be intermittently shifted during construction.

Steven Grayramon rd
Indiana Ave, Harlow Ave & Grant St. - Weekly Status

Indiana Ave, Harlow Ave & Grant St. - Weekly Status

We completed pavement reconstruction and concrete improvements on Grant Street, Harlow Avenue, and Indiana Avenue in the Home Gardens area. Crews are continuing work on asphalt dikes, driveways, and other improvements on Indiana Avenue from Grant Street to Hillview Drive. Please observe construction warning signs, use caution, and follow traffic control staff’s directions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

***Klyne Street from Bedford Canyon Road to Bobbitt Avenue in Corona/El Cerrito area: Shall be closed to through traffic from 2/18/25 to 2/21/25 (weather permitting). Residents access only.

Steven Gray
Jurupa Grade Update - Single Lane Closures

Single Lane Closures continue during weekday work on Felspar Street at Jurupa Road, for approximately THREE WEEKS


Tuesday, Feb. 18, through early March 
6 a.m. to 4 p.m.  


Daytime lane closures are planned on Felspar Street at Jurupa Road. Crews will close a lane in one direction at a time and shift traffic.  

One lane of traffic will remain open in both directions. 

This information may change due to weather or field conditions.  


Los cierres de carriles únicos continúan durante el trabajo entre semana en Felspar Street y Jurupa Road, durante aproximadamente TRES SEMANAS.  




Martes 18 de febrero hasta principios de marzo  

6 a.m a 4 p.m   


Están previstos cierres de carriles durante el día en Felspar Street y Jurupa Road. Los equipos cerrarán un carril en una dirección a la vez y cambiarán el tráfico.   

Se mantendrá abierto un carril de circulación en ambos sentidos.  

Esta información puede cambiar debido al clima o las condiciones del campo. 


Hotline: 800.679.9570 

Linea Directa: 800.679.9570 


For more information visit: 

Para más información visite: 


#JurupaGradeSeparation #Jurupavalley #JurupaTraffic 

Steven GrayJurupaGrade