May 30, 2019
Gilman Springs Road to close at night for resurfacing project
Project rehabilitates nine miles of roadway between SR-60 and SR-79 during nighttime work
Gilman Springs Road, a major traffic artery between Highway 60 and the San Jacinto Valley, will be closed periodically at night for about two months as crews complete a resurfacing project.
The nighttime closures begin the week of June 3 and work will be completed sometime in July. Motorists can use a detour that takes them from Highway 79 through Lamb Canyon onto Highway 60 in Beaumont.
Gilman Springs Road could be closed on Sunday through Thursday from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Single lane closures, with pilot car escorts for motorists, may be scheduled for Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. On Highway 60, the Gilman Springs Road exit will close during nighttime work. Local residents and businesses, along with emergency vehicles, will have access through the checkpoint.
Crews also will install a traffic signal at the intersection of Gilman Springs Road and Bridge Street. The majority of the traffic signal work will take place during daytime hours, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., with major street closures planned to coincide with Gilman Springs Road nighttime closures.
No work is scheduled on Saturday, June 1, on Friday, June 21, or from July 4-7 during the Independence Day weekend.
For additional project information and detour maps, visit the county’s website at or follow the county’s social media posts on Twitter and Facebook @RivCoTrans.