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Project News

Slurry Seal FY 23-24 Dist. 1 & 2 - Weekly Status

Slurry Seal FY 23-24 Dist. 1 & 2 - Weekly Status

We are starting Slurry Seal Treatment to various streets in Woodcrest, Mead Valley, Corona, El Centro, Alessandro, and Temescal Valley in the County Supervisor District 1 & 2. Please use caution while travelling through the work areas. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Grayslurryseal
Hamner Ave. Project Construction Update Week of September 11th



Check out the latest time lapse video of crews placing concrete on the eastern span of the new Mayor Berwin Hanna Bridge.  


REDUCE SPEED to 35 mph and watch for crews working on the shoulder north of Citrus Street and behind k-rail at Detroit Street. Please WATCH for trucks entering and exiting the jobsite at multiple locations. 


PEDESTRIAN ACCESS is available on the western side of Hamner Avenue from Schleisman Road to the southern crosswalk at Citrus Street. 


NO PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ACROSS THE BRIDGE is available in this phase of the project. 

PLEASE USE RTA @riversidetransit Route003, with stops at Taft Street and Hamner Avenue (northbound), and on Citrus Street west of Hamner Avenue (southbound). Please visit for information.



STAY CONNECTED on IG @hamneraveproject and on FB @Hamner Avenue Bridge and Widening Project.

Steven GrayHamner
Clinton Keith Road - Weekly Status Sept. 11th - 15th

The proposed Clinton Keith Road from Leon Road to Winchester Road is progressing as planned. The contractor paved new asphalt (bottom layers) from Leon Road to SR-79. The construction drainage systems and concrete (curb, median, driveway, and sidewalk) are also progressing. Subcontractor resumed with the construction of various Traffic Signal systems. Murrieta Marketplace’s contractor is continuing with the installation of sewer and water lines along the new proposed Clinton Keith Road and on Benton Road. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while using Benton Road.

Note: Briggs Road from Leon Road to Los Alamos Road is permanently CLOSED (NO ACCESS).

Project Update: Ramona Expressway traffic signal

The proposed traffic signal system at Ramona Expressway and Bridge Street in the San Jacinto area is progressing as planned. This project is still on schedule to complete by mid November 2023. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while travelling through the work area.

There will be a brief closure of Bridge Street (2 days) first week of October. Confirmation to follow.

Yvette Munoz
Project Update: Ramona Expressway at Bridge St Traffic Signal

Construction has started on the proposed traffic signal system at Ramona Expressway and Bridge Street in the San Jacinto area. This project is scheduled to be completed in mid November 2023. Please observe construction warning signs and use caution while traveling through the work area.

Yvette Munoz
Jurupa Grade Separation Project Construction Update

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Week of September 4


Crews continue utility relocation 

work at the business plaza west of Felspar St.


Las cuadrillas continúan con la reubicación de servicios públicos

trabajar en la plaza de negocios al oeste de Felspar St.


Business Directory - Jurupa Grade Separation Project

Jurupa Road & Felspar Street BUSINESSES
And Jurupa Road & Pedley Road BUSINESSES

--> Van Buren Blvd. to Rutile St. to Galena St. to Felspar St. 

OR Van Buren Blvd. to Pedley Rd. to Jurupa Rd.
#DonutTyme ->We have BOBA
@ southridgecycling 

And Jurupa Road & Rutile Street BUSINESSES
--> Van Buren Blvd. to Jurupa Connector Rd. 

OR Rutile St.

Steven GrayJurupaGrade
IDYLLWILD Resurfacing Project 2023 Update


Resurfacing Project 2023


Construction Continues: August 23

Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily


Expect lane closures with traffic control in the Idyllwild community on South Circle Drive through September 1. 

Please ADD EXTRA TIME FOR TRAVEL and REDUCE YOUR SPEED in the construction zone. 

Crews have been performing construction activities in the area; saw cutting, utility adjustments, pavement removal, milling, and paving. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during construction. 



Hotline: 877-277-5343


#IdyllwildFire #lilyrock #tahquitzrock #tahquitzcanyon #idyllwildcalifornia #idyllwild #garnervalleyca #FernValley #DevilsSlideTrail #humberpark #devilsslidetrail #idyllwild #hiking #sanjacintomountains #tahquitzrock #saddlejunction

Steven GrayIdyllwild
Clinton Keith Road - Weekly Status

The proposed Clinton Keith Road from Leon Road to Winchester Road is continuing to progress as planned. The contractor is actively installing geofabric (Tensar) and aggregate base from Leon Road to French Valley Bridge, construction drainage systems, and preparing for SR-79 (Winchester Road) widening. Murrieta Market Place’s contractor is continuing with the installation of sewer and water lines along the new proposed Clinton Keith Road and on Benton Road.

Note: Briggs Road from Leon Road to Los Alamos Road is permanently CLOSED.

IDYLLWILD Resurfacing Project 2023 Construction Continues: Week of August 21


Resurfacing Project 2023

 We are starting to remove and replace existing asphalt pavement on Saunders Meadow Road, then move on to South Circle Drive in the Idyllwild area. Please expect delays while travelling through. We are trying our best to accommodate the traffic while facing challenges due to narrow road conditions. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Note: The project is 90 Calendar Days. Contractor is authorized to work on weekend.

Construction Continues: Week of August 21

Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily

Expect lane closures with traffic control in the Idyllwild community on Saunders Meadow Dr. 

Please add extra time for travel and REDUCE YOUR SPEED in the construction zone. 

Crews have been performing construction activities in the area; saw cutting, utility adjustments, pavement removal, milling, and paving. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during construction. 



Hotline: 877-277-5343


#IdyllwildFire #lilyrock #tahquitzrock #tahquitzcanyon #idyllwildcalifornia #idyllwild #garnervalleyca #FernValley #DevilsSlideTrail #humberpark #devilsslidetrail #idyllwild #hiking #sanjacintomountains #tahquitzrock #saddlejunction


Steven GrayIdyllwild


Resurfacing Project 2023

Construction Begins: Week of August 14

Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Daily

Expect lane closures with traffic control in the Idyllwild community beginning near Saunders Meadow Dr.


Hotline: 877-277-5343

#IdyllwildFire #lilyrock #tahquitzrock #tahquitzcanyon #idyllwildcalifornia #idyllwild #garnervalleyca #FernValley #DevilsSlideTrail #humberpark #devilsslidetrail #idyllwild #hiking #sanjacintomountains #tahquitzrock #saddlejunction

Steven GrayIdyllwild
IDYLLWILD Construction Alert - Resurfacing Project 2023

#IDYLLWILD Construction Alert

Resurfacing Project 2023

Construction Begins: Week of August 7

Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Expect lane closures with traffic control in the Idyllwild community beginning near Saunders Meadow Dr.


Hotline: 877-277-5343

#lilyrock #tahquitzrock #tahquitzcanyon #idyllwildcalifornia #idyllwild #garnervalleyca #FernValley #DevilsSlideTrail #humberpark #devilsslidetrail #idyllwild #hiking #sanjacintomountains #tahquitzrock #saddlejunction

Steven Gray
Clinton Keith Rd Phase 3 Construction Notice and Video

Clinton Keith Rd Phase 3 Construction Notice and Video

The proposed Clinton Keith Road from Leon Road to Winchester Road is continuing to progress as planned. The contractor is continuing with various construction activities including underground utilities, finishing French Valley Creek Bridge, new sidewalk, and installing subgrade from Leon Road to French Valley Bridge. Murrieta Market Place’s contractor are continuing with the installation of water lines along the new proposed Clinton Keith Road. Note: Briggs Road from Leon Road to Los Alamos Road is permanently CLOSED.

Project Update- District 3, Slurry Seal & Curb Ramp Accessibility Project

The contractor completed the slurry seal operation in the Temecula, French Valley, and Homeland areas. The contractor is scheduled to apply slurry seal to various streets in Hemet/Vale Vista area including Gilman Springs Road east of Sanderson Avenue/SR 79. (Schedule will follow soon).

Pavement Delineations will be installed for Homeland area and completed slurry seal areas in Hemet area.

Pavement delineations are scheduled at night (9:00PM – 5:00AM) on various days. Traffic impact is minimal.

Please follows construction warning signs and DO NOT park vehicles or drive on street with posted “NO PARKING” signs with applicable date. Thank you for your cooperations and understanding.

Please visit our Transportation website for more information regarding Slurry Seal applications.

Yvette Munozslurryseal
Center Street and Stephens Avenue Resurfacing - Weekly Status

Center Street and Stephens Avenue Resurfacing - Weekly Status

We completed all of the roadway reconstruction and associated improvements on Center Street and Stephens Avenue in the Highgrove area. The roadway and traffic signal conditions are normal. The project is on hold until the new upgrade traffic signal equipment is delivered. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Steven Graycenterst
Slurry Seal FY 22-23 District 4 & 5 - Weekly Status

The contractor completed the slurry seal application for this project. Due to Rabbit Fire, we did not work on Gilman Springs Road last week. The traffic stripe is scheduled for Monday & Tuesday (7/24 & 7/25) night (9:00PM – 5:00AM) on Gilman Springs Road. Please use caution while travelling through.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Please visit our Transportation website for more information regarding Slurry Seal applications.

Steven Grayslurryseal